Having been fortunate enough to spend over 40 years as a small business owner, pharmacist, and farmer in Sumner County, I’ve learned first-hand what our families, small businesses, farms, and healthcare systems are facing as a result of difficuly economic conditions and overburdensome regulations.
Born and raised in Sumner County, I attended public schooling before attending Lipscomb University and then graduating from the University of Tennessee with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. After getting my graduate degree, I returned home to help run the farm and serve patients from behind the pharmacy counter.
For 42 years, I’ve helped customers and patients in the Sumner County area as a pharmacist. I’ve had the pleasure of co-owning Perkin’s Drugs, Springfield Drugs, Southside Drugs, Gallatin Drugs, McHaile Drugs, and Atrium Pharmacy. Since healthcare affects the lives of all Tennesseans, I’ve done my best to help improve the quality and price of such care by serving as Chairman of the Tennessee Pharmacy Coop, Vice-Chair for the American Pharmacy Cooperative Inc., previously serving as a board member of the Sumner County Health Department, a member of the Tennessee Pharmacist Association, and a member of the National Community Pharmacists’ Association.

Safe Baby Court launches in Hamilton County
Tennessee Immigration Bills Would Help A.G. Efforts to Sue Federal Government
Haile’s Headlines – February 5-11